Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blogs in the Classroom

Whats the benefit of blogs in the classrooms? First as many people to day have computer access as they have cars. So whats the big deal? Imagine being able to stay in touch with your child's teacher 7 days a week. You can be fully aware of what is happening in there classroom and even what they are doing day to day.  As a parent one of the biggest fears that you may have for your children is if they are getting everything they can out of the classroom. By using blogs you can know what their homework assignments are. You can see up coming events such as field trips or special projects in class. You can begin to personalize you relationship with your child's teacher. How does this benefit you and your child? As with must children their attention spans are often small at a younger age. So what if they forget a project or try to put it off to a later date and then drop it in your lap the day before its due? This ever happen to you? Believe me it happens to a lot of people. A blog would allow you to know these due dates and allow you to help your child plan in advance to get the project done. You also be teaching your child a valuable lesson as well. That a well planned project is better than something thrown together.


  1. I agree that blogs are a great tool in the classroom, it really does help teacher and parent stay connected and it really does help parents to see what their child is doing in school. I have been fortunate as an assistant teacher to see the benefits of blogs in the classroom and oarents really do want to know what their child is doing in school and this way they can check in without having to set up a formal meeting.

  2. I totally agree Chris. Blogs are a great tool and could take the place of phone calls and endless mounds of paper. It is a great way of keep you in "the know" at your child's school.

  3. Blogging sounds like a good idea and Pam has seen the benefits first hand, but can't blogs get out of hand in the classroom? I am an aspiring teacher and I want to know the safeguards that are in place. For example, since anyone can post anything at anytime, who checks the blog 24/7 for inappropriate comments? Pam, this question is to you - Does someone monitor the blog and read blog comments prior to posting? Is that possible?
